Docker Global Hack Day #3

Docker Global Hack Day #3

This year I decided to try to participate in the Global Hack day for Docker. Most of the Docker ecosystem of tools are based on the Go language and I’ve never worked with Go before. At work we run a private Docker registry to store some of our Docker images, but unfortunately it does not come with an easy to use interface for browsing the images stored in it or deleting them.
Easy Blue-Green Deployments On Amazon EC2 Container Service

Easy Blue-Green Deployments On Amazon EC2 Container Service

At work we’ve recently started using Amazon’s EC2 Container Service (ECS) for running Docker images in staging and production. In order to simplify our CI/CD process we wrote a script for triggering blue-green deployments. I wrote an article explaining the how and why over on the Codeship Blog, check it out:
Creating A Consistent Cross-platform Docker Development Environment

Creating A Consistent Cross-platform Docker Development Environment

Over the past several months my team at work has been integrating Docker into our software development life-cycle. We’ve run into several road bumps and come up with solutions to work through them in order that we could have a consistent development experience on Docker. The good folks at Codeship published an article I wrote on the topic. If you’re considering using Docker I recommend you check it out to kick-start your process.
End User Verification Even Your Grandma Can Use

End User Verification Even Your Grandma Can Use

Based on my experience and previous series about the their APIs Nexmo asked me to write an article for publishing on ProgrammableWeb. Of course I said sure, that sounds like fun. So I wrote about Nexmo’s Verify API that makes end user verification quite simple and user friendly. Head over to to read my article:
Published In php|architect

Published In php|architect

Remaking the WebEx Free Trials - php|architect September 2011 In November 2010 I had the privilege of speaking at ZendCon, the largest annual PHP conference. I gave a talk about a success story of mine at work using Zend Server and Zend Framework to rebuild our free trials engine. It is a story I am proud of and the work we did continues to serve us well today.

Minor Update To Shipley_Translate_Adapter_Realtime

I’ve been working on refactoring my adapter to prepare for supporting many of the features I discussed in my previous post. Involved in the refactor was moving code that should be common to any of the realtime translation adapters to a common parent class, Shipley_Translate_Adapter_Realtime. So now the usage is a little different when creating the Zend_Translate object, but the usage within the view remains the same. Also in this update I’ve added some Zend_Log support for Zend_Log_Writer_Firebug so that I could easily do some debugging while moving all this code around.

Realtime Translation Adapter For Zend Translate

A couple weeks ago I saw a tweet come across the screen by Derick Rethans (the guy behind xdebug) about how he is translating tweets related to xdebug to better understand what people are saying about it: New blog post — Translating Twitter: — Derick Rethans (@derickr) January 5, 2011 This gave me an idea about writing a Zend_Translate_Adapter that can do the same when the requested content is not found for the given language in local translation sources.